Jakes Gerwel-gespreksreeks by die Suidoosterfees
Aangebied deur die Jakes Gerwel Stigting en die ATKV
The good, the bad and the ugly – Who will govern?
In samewerking met Flyleaf en Pan Macmillan SA
Met Adriaan Basson, Qaanitah Hunter en Mia Spies
2024 se verkiesing word, bykans soos 1994 s’n, as ’n keerpunt beskou. Wie gaan in die Uniegebou sit nadat die kruisies getel is? Is die opposisie se verwagting dat die ANC uitgestem sal word onrealisties? Is ’n koalisieregering ons voorland en indien wel, wie gaan saam met wie in die bed klim om die leisels oor te neem? Adriaan Basson en Qaanitah Hunter, skrywers van Who will Rule South Africa?, en Mills Soko, medeskrywer van The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, is in gesprek met Jan-Jan Joubert.
26 April 10:00 | ATKV-Innovasiespasie | 60 min | Eng | Gratis
Bespreek jou plek hier: https://www.webtickets.co.za/v2/Event.aspx?itemid=1542374592
Wat jy moet weet
Jakes Gerwel Discussions at the Suidoosterfees
Presented by the Jakes Gerwel Foundation and the ATKV
The good, the bad and the ugly – Who will govern?
In collaboration with Flyleaf and Pan Macmillan SA
With Adriaan Basson, Qaanitah Hunter and Mia Spies
The 2024 election, almost like 1994, is regarded as a turning point in our history. Who will occupy the Union Buildings after the ballots have been counted? Is the opposition’s expectation that the ANC will be removed from power realistic? Are we heading for a coalition government? If so, who will hop into bed together between the sheets of power? Adriaan Basson and Qaanitah Hunter, authors of Who will Rule South Africa?, as well as Mills Soko, fellow writer of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, are in discussion with Jan-Jan Joubert.
26 April 10:00 | ATKV Innovation Lounge | 60 min | Eng | Free
Book your ticket here: https://www.webtickets.co.za/v2/Event.aspx?itemid=1542374592
What you need to know