Jakes Gerwel-gespreksreeks by die Suidoosterfees
Aangebied deur die Jakes Gerwel Stigting en die ATKV
Die Kaap van oorloë
In samewerking met Jonathan Ball, Jacana en Maverick 451
Met Mark Shaw, Rehana Rossouw, Caryn Dolley en Jeremy Vearey
In die underbelly van die poskaartmooi Kaapstad met sy berg en strande woed daar oorloë. Gesoute joernaliste en skrywers Mark Shaw, Rehana Rossouw en Caryn Dolley vlek verskeie misdade, organisasies en sindikate oop wat dood en verwoesting saai in een van die wêreld se mooiste stede.
30 April 10:00 | ATKV-Innovasiespasie | 60 min | Eng | Gratis
Bespreek jou plek hier: https://www.webtickets.co.za/v2/Event.aspx?itemid=1542395427
Wat jy moet weet
Jakes Gerwel Discussions at the Suidoosterfees
Presented by the Jakes Gerwel Foundation and the ATKV
The Cape of wars
In collaboration with Jonathan Ball, Jacana and Maverick 451
With Mark Shaw, Rehana Rossouw, Caryn Dolley and Jeremy Vearey
In the underbelly of picturesque Cape Town with its iconic mountain and beaches, wars are being waged. Renowned journalists and writers Mark Shaw, Rehana Rossouw and Caryn Dolley shed light on crimes, organisations and syndicates responsible for death and destruction in one of the world’s most beautiful cities.
30 April 10:00 | ATKV Innovation Lounge | 60 min | Eng | Free
Book your ticket here: https://www.webtickets.co.za/v2/Event.aspx?itemid=1542395427
What you need to know