Brussels to Karoo: The Jakes Gerwel Foundation and Passa Porta’s annual writers’ residency
(Afrikaans follows below)
The Jakes Gerwel Foundation (JGF) and Passa Porta welcome submissions for their annual writers’ residency Brussels to Karoo, which takes place in KwaNojoli (Somerset East) in the Eastern Cape.
Jakes Gerwel obtained his doctorate in literature and philosophy from the Free University of Brussels, Belgium. It is against this backdrop that the Foundation partners with Passa Porta, an international literature house in Brussels, to bring together writers from different continents to share two weeks of uninterrupted time to write.
In this way, we want to encourage dialogue and cross-pollination in the written work of writers from different backgrounds, thereby striving to enrich the body of literature here and abroad.
Successful candidates will be hosted at the historic Paulet House, the Foundation’s charming home away from home for writers from 18 to 30 March 2024.
Together with Flemish authors Gerda Dendooven and Nele Van den Broeck, the candidates can look forward to enjoying the spacious home with its lush gardens, the charming town, the peace and quiet of the surroundings and the company of fellow writers.
If you would like to be part of this exciting collaboration, here is the link to apply online:
Your application should include the following:
Requirements and important dates:
The residency includes:
About the programme:
The Jakes Gerwel Foundation continues to build on the considerable legacy of the late professor Jakes Gerwel, who excelled as educator, liberator, patron of the arts and businessperson.
Read more about
Jakes Gerwel Foundation at
Passa Porta at
Brussel tot Karoo: Die Jakes Gerwel Stigting en Passa Porta se jaarlikse skrywersresidensie
Die Jakes Gerwel Stigting (JGS), in medewerking met Passa Porta, verwelkom aansoeke van skrywers vir die jaarlikse residensieprogram Brussel tot Karoo.
Jakes Gerwel het sy doktorsgraad in literatuur en filosofie aan die Vrije Universiteit Brussel in België voltooi. Dit is teen hierdie agtergrond wat die Stigting hande neem met Passa Porta, ’n internasionale literatuurhuis in Brussel, om skrywers van verskeie wêrelddele byeen te bring.
Sodoende wil ons graag kruisbestuiwing tussen die werk van skrywers uit verskillende agtergronde teweegbring en die letterkunde – hier en elders – verruim.
Die Brussel tot Karoo-residensie vind plaas vanaf 18 tot 30 Maart 2024 by die 200 jaar oue Paulet Huis, die Stigting se skrywershuis wat geleë is in die sjarmante KwaNojoli (Somerset-Oos) in die Oos-Kaap.
Suksesvol kandidate sal by Vlaamse skrywers Gerda Dendooven en Nele Van den Broeck aansluit vir twee weke se onverstoorde skryftyd by Paulet Huis met sy lowerryke tuine, die sjarmante dorp, die stilte en rustigheid wat die omgewing bied en die bonus van die geselskap van medeskrywers.
Jou aansoek moet die volgende insluit:
Vereistes en belangrike datums:
As jy wil deel wees van hierdie opwindende samewerking, waarvan alle kostes gedek word, kan jy aanlyn aansoek doen by die volgende skakel:
Die skryfprogram sluit in:
Meer oor die program:
Die Jakes Gerwel Stigting bou voort op die noemenswaardige nalatenskap van wyle professor Jakes Gerwel, wat uitgeblink het as opvoeder, bevryder, beskermheer van die kunste en sakepersoon.
Lees meer oor:
Die Jakes Gerwel Stigting by
Passa Porta by