Jakes Gerwel-gespreksreeks by die Suidoosterfees
Aangebied deur die Jakes Gerwel Stigting en die ATKV
Hoe reboot ons SA?
In samewerking met Jonathan Ball
Met Roy Havemann, Tessa Dooms en Dennis Davis
Staatskaping het Suid-Afrika laat shut down. Maar hoekom kan niemand ons reboot nie? Ons is immers nie die eerste land wat homself in ’n penarie bevind nie. Andere kon uit die puin herrys, terwyl ons in die as bly ploeter. Roy Havemann, hoof van ’n internasionale navorsingsmaatskappy wat gekonsulteer word deur private maatskappye en die Wêreldbank, sê die antwoorde skuil in ses dinge: Eskom, opvoeding, die omgewing, uitvoere, gelykheid en etiek. Kom luister en praat saam.
28 April 10:00 | ATKV-Innovasiespasie | 60 min | Eng | Gratis
Bespreek jou plek hier: https://www.webtickets.co.za/v2/Event.aspx?itemid=1542378021
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Jakes Gerwel Discussions at the Suidoosterfees
Presented by the Jakes Gerwel Foundation and the ATKV
How do we reboot SA?
In collaboration with Jonathan Ball
With Roy Havemann, Tessa Dooms and Dennis Davis
State capture led to South Africa’s shutdown. But why can’t we reboot? After all, we are not the first country to find itself in such a mess. Others raised themselves from the ruins, while we just plod on. Roy Havemann, head of international research companies who serve as consultants for private companies and the World Bank, says the answer lies in six areas: Eskom, education, the environment, exports, equality and ethics. Join in on the conversation.
28 April 10:00 | ATKV Innovation Lounge | 60 min | Eng | Free
Book your ticket here: https://www.webtickets.co.za/v2/Event.aspx?itemid=1542378021
What you need to know