Eyelands.gr & Strange Days Books are proud to announce the launch of their 7th Eyelands Book Awards!
The one and only international book award based in Greece! They are always seeking talented writers from all over the world!
Submission Guidelines:
Participants must be 18 years or older otherwise they need parents’ consent to accept the submission.
Eligible submissions include poetry, novellas, short story collections, novels, children’s and YA books, historical fiction/memoir and graphic novels.
The limit is 250 000 words for every category of published books. The limit for unpublished texts is 150 000 words except for poetry books. Poetry collection (up to 250 pages) written by a single author is eligible. Manuscripts must be written in English.
There is no restriction regarding the form or style of writing. They prefer the pages to be numbered. Files should be uploaded as an MS Word document or PDF. Fill the entry form, copy and paste it in the body of your email.
Submission fee: 40 euros (pay via PayPal). Multiple submissions allowed.
Deadline: 20 October 2024, at midnight PST.
Submit your manuscript online to eyelandsmag@gmail.com or strangedaysbooks@gmail.com